About Me

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Phillipsburg, Kansas, United States
Just a born again country boy with a few musings and observations. Coming back to my roots has taught me a lot about life & who I truly am. You can take a boy out of the country, I am living proof you can't take the country out of a man. God Bless America and our courageous men & women serving and protecting our freedom and country and living life in small town America.

Friday, June 3, 2011

After many agonizing hours of pondering...

I have decided not to put Tiny down. I was supposed to take him to the vet at 11:00 am today and have the plug pulled. You know what this is my buddy and friend and putting him down would be the easy way out...plus I just can't do it. Tiny may be a PITA and need extra care but you know what I decided? He is going to go naturally just the way God intended his creatures to go...Again this is just my two cents and the way I feel...Bruce
