About Me

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Phillipsburg, Kansas, United States
Just a born again country boy with a few musings and observations. Coming back to my roots has taught me a lot about life & who I truly am. You can take a boy out of the country, I am living proof you can't take the country out of a man. God Bless America and our courageous men & women serving and protecting our freedom and country and living life in small town America.

Friday, June 3, 2011

After many agonizing hours of pondering...

I have decided not to put Tiny down. I was supposed to take him to the vet at 11:00 am today and have the plug pulled. You know what this is my buddy and friend and putting him down would be the easy way out...plus I just can't do it. Tiny may be a PITA and need extra care but you know what I decided? He is going to go naturally just the way God intended his creatures to go...Again this is just my two cents and the way I feel...Bruce


  1. As long as there is limited pain and very little suffering you are doing the right thing.

  2. I have had many more than my share of pets over the years since I do greyhound fostering, and I always pick two or three 'signs' to help me make my decision. If they are still eating, not in pain, and tail wags when they know you are there -- then I will take care of them until they are (and I am) ready. If I have to make that final decision, I will - I consider it an honor to be able to help them avoid pain & suffering - but if they aren't in pain, then my job is to take care of them until they are ready to leave. This is my time to pay them back for the years of devotion and unconditional love they have given me. I have a blind & deaf 17 year old mutt at my feet right now. She still loves dinner, she wags her tail when she 'feels' me come home every night, and she even runs a little every morning when I take her outside. She still enjoys her life and I just help her stay out of peril and watch that she keeps enjoying herself. You know and love them best -- you will make the right decision.

