About Me

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Phillipsburg, Kansas, United States
Just a born again country boy with a few musings and observations. Coming back to my roots has taught me a lot about life & who I truly am. You can take a boy out of the country, I am living proof you can't take the country out of a man. God Bless America and our courageous men & women serving and protecting our freedom and country and living life in small town America.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I know I have to do it...

Why is life so cruel sometimes? I have a close friend named Tiny that is getting very old and feeble. His back hips are going out and he is but a shadow of his grand self. He has lost so much weight he is nothing but a walking bag of bones. I love this dear friend of mine very much and these end days I feel have finally come. I will miss you Tiny but I shall never forget you and you will always be in my heart. You have been a true and loyal friend Tiny I am happy you shared your life with me...but it is tearing me apart to have to put you down. I will never forget the first day we met you were already a full grown cat, age unknown in need of a forever home. That was a long time ago and I do not want to have to do what I must for my buddy and dear friend...Dammit world why are you so cruel...???


  1. Oh, Honey. I feel your pain. I went through the exact same thing with our Sprocker, (springer/cocker spaniel) Claire. We got her when she was 5 and she didn't know how to bark, what a cookie was, how to fetch a ball, or that couches were made for cuddle puppies. Well, we changed all that right quick! For 12 years she was my constant companion and protector, especially when Hubby was in Kuwait. One of the most difficult days of my life was the day I had to make the call to let her go. But she was in renal failure and in pain, and I knew it was the only decision I could make. At the vet's office, I wrapped my arms around her and talked to her softly as I watched her slip away. But I have absolutely no doubt that we will meet again, because it wouldn't be heaven without our furkids, would it? BIG hugs.

  2. Aww Bruce, there are many of us who know exactly how you feel. Know that we care and understand and more importantly KNOW that Tiny will be waiting for you on the other side.

