About Me

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Phillipsburg, Kansas, United States
Just a born again country boy with a few musings and observations. Coming back to my roots has taught me a lot about life & who I truly am. You can take a boy out of the country, I am living proof you can't take the country out of a man. God Bless America and our courageous men & women serving and protecting our freedom and country and living life in small town America.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Note to self...What not to eat anymore....

Never again will I stop and eat fast food so called Mexican food and spend the night suffering like I have been last night. Dottie's cast iron stomach may be able to process that crap but my stomach tells me whoa boy that is some extra spice and ingredients that it does not like...lol This was not the run for the border national chain place either that is fond of talking chihuahua's because that place I will not even consider stopping there...lol hopefully I can go back to bed finally after many hours of ant-acids and suffering...

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad. I can't take the hoit food at all. Never could.

